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Join us for the 3rd Annual HRMCon!

Each year, HRMCon brings together cybersecurity thought leaders and practitioners focused on identifying human risks and protecting the workforce. Registration is open!

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Sandy Evans

Living Security | Senior Product Manager

Empowering Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience & Training

Today's cyber threats require more than traditional training. This session, designed for cybersecurity practitioners who are champions for cultivating a security culture will explore how organizations can empower their workforce to become a robust human firewall without a labor-intensive process. We'll introduce a new approach that leverages orchestration to drive positive behaviors and proactively addresses vulnerabilities.



About Sandy

Sandy is a product leader with more than a decade of experience in cybersecurity and human risk management. As the lead Product Manager for Unify, Living Security’s industry-leading Human Risk Management platform, he has spearheaded innovative solutions focused on organizational security and resilience. Sandy has a proven track record of leading the development and management of advanced cybersecurity products, including threat detection and incident response systems, email intelligence solutions, and comprehensive risk assessment tools. He has successfully driven product initiatives across various industries, including technology, finance, and healthcare. Sandy has a Bachelors degree from Davidson College and an International MBA from the University of South Carolina.

Living Security CEO Ashley Rose Receives First-Time Founder Award from Austin Technology Council

Living Security Blog

Living Security CEO Ashley Rose Receives First-Time Founder Award from Austin Technology Council
The Types of Data Breaches Workplaces Face

Living Security Blog

The Types of Data Breaches Workplaces Face
Incident Response Plan: Frameworks & Steps

Living Security Blog

Incident Response Plan: Frameworks & Steps

Conference Tracks

Choose from four exciting conference tracks. 

1. Human Risk Quantification

Detect and measure human security behaviors by identifying vigilant and vulnerable members of your workforce. Use data from your existing identity and security tools to quantify human risk across the full spectrum of security risks including account compromise, data loss, malware, phishing, social engineering, and training compliance.

2. Risk-Based Policy & Training Interventions

Initiate policy and training interventions based upon human risk. Interventions should be based on best practices and provide next steps that can be taken in real-time to address risk such as nudges, reminders, microlearning modules, and policy changes (such as updating passwords).

3. Workforce Education and Enablement

Educate and enable the workforce to protect against cybersecurity risks. Empower individual employees, managers, and executives to measure progress and track vigilance across teams and departments.

4. Positive Security Culture

Build a positive security culture by empowering your workforce to actively participate in security vigilance, eliminate needless compliance activity, and incorporate intelligent capabilities that simplify security compliance.



10:00 AM

Brian Krebs | KrebsOnSecurity.com & Ashley Rose | Living Security 

Fireside Chat: What Breaches Teach Us

10:45 AM

Jess Burn | Forrester

The Future is Now: Introducing Human Risk Management
11:30 AM

Breakout Session 1

Chris Poirel | Living Security
Data-Driven Decisions: Quantifying Behaviors to Mitigate Human Risk in HRM

Track 2: Risk-Based Policy & Training Interventions
David Tunley | Rivian
Targeting Awareness of Emerging Cyber Threats with Risk-Based Policy and Training Interventions

Track 3: Workforce Education and Enablement
Aaron Strong | Syniverse 
Hook, Line, and Sinker 

Track 4: Positive Security Culture
Terry Smith | Blackbaud
Building a Robust Security Culture
12:00 PM

Breakout Session 2

Track 1: Human Risk Quantification
Jon Brickey | Mastercard
Human Risk Management 2.0
Track 2: Risk-Based Policy & Training Interventions
Sandy Evans | Living Security 

Empowering Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience & Training
Track 3: Workforce Education and Enablement
Cassie Clark | Consultant
How to deepen your career in security awareness
Track 4: Positive Security Culture
Shawnee Delaney | Vaillance Group
HRM’s Role Cultivating a Positive Security Culture in Your Organization
12:30 PM

Breakout Session 3

Track 1: Human Risk Quantification
Maria Long, Violet Sullivan, and Julian Sylvestro | MunichRe, Crum & Forster, and Marsh
The State of Human Risk Quantification
Allen Ohanian | LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
MindSecure: Elevating Cyber Resilience through Cyberpsychology and Organizational Synergy
Erik Book | Living Security
Own Your Security Journey: Empowering All Levels to Track Human Risk and Drive Continuous Improvement
Track 4: Positive Security Culture
Mike Taylor | Nationwide
Borrowing Brilliance: What Security Awareness and Training Should Steal from Marketing
1:00 PM

Breakout Session 4

Track 1: Human Risk Quantification
Josh Bartolomie | Cofense
Connecting Global Threat Intel to Human Risk Quantification
Track 2: Risk-Based Policy & Training Interventions
Michele Kim | Fitch Ratings
Evolving from Annual Security Compliance Training to Risk-Based Policy and Training
Track 3: Workforce Education and Enablement
Brandy Harris | CyberEd
Using HRM to Drive Behavioral Change
Track 4: Positive Security Culture
Nick Marchiselli | Living Security
Scorecards & Vigilance: Unleashing the Power of Your Workforce for a More Secure Future
1:30 PM

Dave Kennedy | Trusted Sec

Unveiling the Adversary: War Stories and Discoveries from the Human Element  

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The Future Is Now: Introducing Human Risk Management. This is not just a name change. It is a significant change of mindset, strategy, process, and technology about how we approach an old problem in a new world.

Jinan Budge


Call for Abstracts

Are you an expert or thought leader who wants to share your insights and shape the future of human-centric cybersecurity?


Living Security invites you to submit your abstract now for consideration. Don't miss the chance to be a part of HRMCon's 2024 speaker lineup and let your voice be heard in the dynamic landscape of Human Risk Management!

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