October is nearly here, and we hope it is full of productivity and inspiration! The work you do promoting awareness and mitigating human risk is invaluable to the planet. Thank you. 💥 Resources are below!
🎉 Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 - Are you scrambling for a last minute idea or two? Well, we got you; this thread is chock-full of them! I also included some freebies for you again below. We can't wait to hear about your successes come November.
🥕 Carrot vs Stick ...or as Jonathan Marsden more eloquently put it, "Consequence vs Reward Management." Semantics aside, this thread dives into different philosophies regarding ways to address risky and vigilant behaviors. I'd recommend the read and would love to see your comments.
Tired of writing? 😣 Our amazing writer, Ansel Lowry, makes your life easier by penning lively and actionable info and tips for your general end user. This month, she covers the topic of Wire Fraud. The content explains the prevalence of wire fraud and how to spot the crime.
As you know, criminals have moved beyond email phishing and now socially engineer us through calls and text messages. This webinar shares the latest in phishing, smishing, and vishing scams, plus how simulations of these scenarios can educate employees and help keep them safe.