HRM & Cybersecurity Blog | Living Security

The Power of Integrating Microlearning Into Your Training Program

Written by Living Security Team | August 12, 2021

Having trouble getting your employees interested in your cybersecurity awareness training? A lack of participation can certainly keep program owners like you up at night. 

Despite your frustration, you understand that cybersecurity training isn’t always everyone’s top priority, especially for those already overwhelmed with their usual workload. Because awareness training can seem like a time-consuming endeavor, it’s quick to get put on the back burner. 

To truly capture your employees’ attention and work around their already-packed schedules, you need to make your security awareness content more approachable.

Your secret weapon? Microlearning.


What Exactly Is Microlearning?

Microlearning is a lot like it sounds: learning in small doses!

Instead of requiring your employees to complete 30-minute+ learning modules, think of microlearning cybersecurity training as lessons that only take a few minutes to complete.

These brief modules have proven time and time again to be successful in cybersecurity awareness training programs. In fact, microlearning creates 50% more engagement. Now we’re talking! 


Types of Microlearning

Microlearning for your cybersecurity awareness training program can come in many forms. 

Think about creating microlearning content that leverages:

  • Text. When your users see words in their awareness lessons, keep it brief.  Write your content in short phrases or paragraphs and find ways to break up the text using bullets, bolding, or headers.
  • Images. Adding visuals to your training modules is a great way to convey information without overwhelming users with too many words. Think photos, illustrations, infographics, etc.
  • Videos. Take flat pictures a step further by providing video explanations of key security lessons. When using microlearning, keep the runtime under 5 minutes long for the best results.
  • Audio. While some people are visual learners, others are predominantly auditory. In fact, around 30% of people learn best through hearing. This is a great medium for telling a story with clear examples to help listeners understand.
  • Tests and Quizzes. After an employee views your micro lesson plan, you can even take them through micro questionnaires to test what they’ve learned so far!
  • Games. Interactive cybersecurity games can make learning more exciting! Users feel as if they’re playing instead of working, all while learning valuable facts about security. Think simple single-screen challenges, riddles, or puzzles for users to solve.




Why Micro-Videos Work for Cybersecurity Training

We’ve found that videos are often one of the most successful forms of microlearning used in cybersecurity awareness programs. Why? 

  • Micro-videos are only 1-5 minutes long. Users often don’t have a whole afternoon to devote to security training, but they can spare 5 minutes to watch a short clip explaining a security concept in a fun way, without the confusing tech talk!
  • Micro-videos both show and tell. While other mediums like text, images, or audio have a place in your curriculum, video is best. It offers your employees an important visual complimented with an auditory explanation. Some even follow specific “plots” and can be viewed in episodes like a TV show!
  • Micro-videos can be accessed anytime, anywhere. If you optimize your awareness training content to be easily viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or computer, busy users can conveniently learn on the go. This way, your team can readily fit in training anytime, anywhere!

Examples of Microlearning-Based Cybersecurity Training Videos

Here at Living Security, we leverage both micro and nano learning videos covering a variety of cybersecurity training topics. Our super short (2 minutes or less) awareness training videos are referred to as nano modules, while any video less than 5 minutes long is called a micro lesson. 


Our micro lessons are packaged into engaging “mini-series” with multiple short videos covering a single topic grouped into one module. For instance, in our Case in Point series, we cover one main security topic in about a dozen or more short clips.

In our example below, you can see a glimpse of our Physical Security module and how we cover subtopics like “Mobile Security,” “Physical Security,” “Password Reuse,” and more in less than 2 minutes.



We also offer even shorter videos to boost engagement for your busiest employees. See how our nano-modules below are all about a minute long. But don’t worry; they pack in a lot of valuable content. It’s all focus and no fluff! 

Curious to learn about our microlearning-style security videos? There’s more where that came from—including exciting video series modeled like television dramas, thrillers, and more! Here's an example:


Explore our video content catalog here.

Keep Up With Other Security Awareness Trends

Microlearning can make your cybersecurity awareness program seem more manageable and engaging. But making content shorter and more relatable is just one trend program owners are using to improve their awareness training programs.

Explore other important trends by downloading our 8 Essential Trends of Human Risk Management for 2022 guide!