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September 29, 2021

5 Questions To Ask When Evaluating a Cybersecurity Training Program

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and Security Awareness Program Owners have a long list of responsibilities each and every day. But when you’re spending so much time creating awareness content for your end users, it leaves little room for other important tasks.

Bringing in an awareness training content provider could significantly reduce your workload, giving you the freedom to focus on the core metrics and ROI you’re trying to affect and measure. It’s just a matter of finding the right provider now!

Maybe you’ve started researching a new partner and are stuck making the final decision. If you’re considering Living Security, let us make your choice easier. Here are five questions prospective clients ask before choosing our cybersecurity awareness training program:


1. How complicated is the training software to set up?

You are considering a cybersecurity training platform to save yourself valuable time and money and enable you to focus on your bigger cybersecurity awareness strategy instead of worrying about content. But when you fiddle with a complicated and clunky training tool, you often only end up with more headaches.

Living Security designed our training interface with your time and ease in mind. Our sleek, stylish platform makes navigation intuitive and convenient. Training videos can be selected and sent to assignees in minutes. That’s right: entire campaigns can be built out and dispersed to customized segments in an average of 10 clicks. Imagine assigning 200 users their lesson plans for Q1 in less time than a coffee break—now that’s efficiency. Even our escape room experiences can be logistically executed in mere minutes. 

For those who have experienced other platforms with 1,000+ training videos and wonder how this is possible, let us explain. Instead of creating video for the sake of video, we keep our content library concise and focused. While other training modules can offer what seems like an overwhelming number of videos to weed through, we focus on quality over quantity. Think 200 highly valuable videos instead of 1,000 lesser impactful clips. 

We also group our videos into themed lesson plans, taking the legwork out of stringing the videos together into a comprehensive module. Simply choose the bundle, assign, and launch. 


2. How often is the awareness content refreshed?

Because we would rather make fewer training videos containing higher quality content, we focus first and foremost on their educational value. We invest more time writing better scripts and shooting quality footage, dreaming up video series with actual storylines and plots that are both professionally filmed and entertaining to watch. 

While there’s no set cadence on when we release new videos, we have annual goals for creating fresh content, and when it is released, you can count on it being impactful. Similarly, our escape room plots are frequently revisited based on participant feedback and the evolution of technology and cyber threats. Because 82% of participants surveyed say they preferred the escape room training to any other training format available to them, we put great emphasis on refreshing these interactive experiences.


3. What approach do you take to awareness training?

Traditional cybersecurity awareness training often casts end users as incompetent employees who are to blame for a corporation’s greatest security weaknesses. They make teams feel dumb for falling to phishing scams or other cyber threats and shame or punish them for not knowing better. As you may imagine, this doesn’t make those participating in the training feel great. In fact, it can discourage them from consuming or retaining the training content altogether out of bitterness or fear.

Instead of beating end users down, Living Security’s awareness training aims to build them up. Our content thanks teams for doing their part to increase your organization’s security posture and paints them as honorable defenders of their work (and home!) kingdom. We push messaging that organizations couldn’t stay safe without their teams’ help and praise them for a job well done, empowering and rewarding them for learning. It’s why our approach shows a 16x increase in retention when paired with experiential learning and is perceived as more fun and engaging than conventional cybersecurity awareness training programs. 


4. Is the training program customizable?

While we do offer prearranged video modules designed to fit together, the modules are just recommendations. You can pair video content together as you see fit. Every video ends with a few text-based questions, which can also be changed by the program owner, to test what end users learned. 

You can also control which supplemental resources you provide your teams. For instance, our Campaign in a Box assets may be shared with relevant video topics as well as other helpful marketing materials. This additional content takes the heavy lifting out of creating further resources and gives your end users a custom experience. Because many of our assets are designed for white-labeling after purchase, you can adjust the content for your brand and training goals. 


5. Do you offer client support?

Yes, we do offer support for our training program tools, and it’s important to look for a program provider who does. No one wants to purchase software and be stuck troubleshooting solo. 

Here at Living Security, we offer each client their own personalized representative so you know you’re talking to the same person every time. Your rep will be familiar with your training goals and be able to offer you the individualized support you deserve. Think of us as your partners, not just your training vendor. We’re here to help your program succeed and your end users grow. 


See Our Cybersecurity Awareness Training Software in Action

Other cybersecurity awareness training providers don’t take the human-centric approach the way we do at Living Security. Our emphasis on human risk management and empowering users is like no other.

See our engaging content and how easy it is to use our platform by requesting a complimentary platform demo today.

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