HRM & Cybersecurity Blog | Living Security

7 Reasons to Attend HRMCon June 22, 2023

Written by Living Security Team | June 12, 2023

We’re excited to be hosting our annual conference for the fourth time next week. HRMCon 2023: Risky Business is the brainchild of Drew Rose, Living Security’s co-founder and Chief Strategic Officer.

This year’s content ranges from musings about A.I. and humanity to practical ways to build a cybersecurity awareness team, from scratch, for zero dollars. You don't want to miss it.

This half-day virtual conference, happening on June 22, 2023, brings together thought leaders and practitioners to explore the power of behavior change in mitigating risks. Here are ten compelling reasons why you should attend HRMCon 2023:

  1. Keynoter Chris Roberts shares “It’s All Going to End In Tears…” Get ready to start the day with a bang as this renowned “hacker for good” shares how A.I. and humanity co-exist in this unforgettable talk. “Welcome to the modern era where we've let an ungated intelligence loose on the mass population with no instructions, controls, or safety in place. Let's talk about what we CAN do to help humanity, what we SHOULD talk with our folks about, and TO do when it all goes pear-shaped.”

  2. Phishing Simulations On Trial: Engage in a thrilling cybersecurity mock trial that dives into the age-old debate surrounding the effectiveness and ethical implications of phishing simulations. Participate as a member of the jury and join the discussion on the future of phishing simulations in cybersecurity.
  3. Discover how to transform your security team's image from being perceived as unapproachable "basement trolls" to helpful heroes. Learn from industry expert Sunette Runhaar, Insider Threat expert from Uber, on optimizing user experience and building trust between your security team and the workforce. Register today.
  4. Build a security awareness team with no money—zero, zilch, nada. Join Kathryn Glynn, Senior Cybersecurity Awareness & Training Lead at Kimberly-Clark, as she reveals her secrets to building an awareness team without spending a dime. Learn how to tap into the passion and skills of existing team members to create a cost-effective, engaging, and effective cybersecurity awareness program.
  5. Learn from the past to get buy-in for cybersecurity innovation: Explore the tactics employed by industry veterans Rinki Sethi, CISO for, and Martijn Verbree, National Cyber Lead KPMG Australia, as they discuss building a business case for cybersecurity innovation. Gain insights into successfully convincing CISOs to adopt new technologies and strategies to get buy-in from key stakeholders within your organization.
  6. Humanizing Cybersecurity: Understand how emotions, cognitive bias, and behavioral science help drive behavioral changes with Ashley Chackman and Dustin Sachs. After all, the humans must change for the world to be secure. 
  7. Get a first look at the newest immersive team experience in cybersecurity training, Masquerade, available this fall. 

HRMCon 2023 promises an unforgettable half-day virtual conference filled with thought-provoking sessions, engaging discussions, and valuable insights. Join us for free on June 22, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. CT and be part of this exceptional event. Register today!